Golden Mapas التطبيقات

Islamabad map 3.9x
Golden Mapas
Islamabad is a city of 1,014,825 inhabitants of Pakistan, capitalof the state since 1967 and the capital of the territory of thecapital. It houses 20 universities, including Quaid-i-AzamUniversity, founded in 1967, the Pakistani Institute forEngineering and Applied Sciences, Allama Iqbal University, COMSATSUniversity and the National University of Sciences and technologyof Pakistan. It is also considered among the safest cities in thecountry thanks to its equipment of around 1900 CCTV cameras.Offline maps for Islamabad. Includes a complete set of offline mapsfor Islamabad, things to do and see, area map, historical map ofthe territory from official sources. No internet connectionrequired. You can zoom in, zoom out, scroll. Fast, easy and therewhen you need it! This APP is excellent for both Islamabad visitorsand longtime residents. Online maps included in the APP: - GMAPS onthe center - GMAPS of the Region Offline maps included in the APP:- Metro Map - Area Map - Railway Map - Historical map Thank you foryour support :) As always, if you have any problems or feedback,please email.
Volgograd map 0.0.1
Golden Mapas
Volgograd mapVolgograd map is the ultimate map detector.Its purpose/goal is to:Map your cityMap your countryMeteo map cloud and rain * -Coming soon-_____________________________________This is an experiment. Soon I will add more features tothat!
Millennium Stadium map 2.6x
Golden Mapas
Rugby World Cup 2015 Millennium Stadium Map is the ultimate mapdetector. Its purpose/goal is to: Map city stadium Location of the13 stadia to host rugby matches at the 2015 Meteo map cloud andrain * -Coming soon- _____________________________________ This isan experiment. Soon I will add more features to that!
Ufa map 2.6x
Golden Mapas
Ufa map Ufa map is the ultimate map detector. Its purpose/goal isto: Map your city Map your country Meteo map cloud and rain *-Coming soon- _____________________________________ This is anexperiment. Soon I will add more features to that!
Krasnodar map 3.9x
Golden Mapas
Krasnodar is a city in southern European Russia, the capital of thehomonymous territory. It rises on the Kuban River, in the westernCaucasus, 148 km north-east of Novorossijsk, a port on the BlackSea. An important industrial and oil refining center, it is home toiron and steel, mechanical, electronic, textile, food and footwearindustries. Offline maps for Krasnodar. Includes a complete set ofoffline maps for Krasnodar, things to do and see, area map,historical map of the territory from official sources. No internetconnection required. You can zoom in, zoom out, scroll. Fast, easyand there when you need it! This APP is excellent for bothKrasnodar visitors and longtime residents. Online maps included inthe APP: - GMAPS on the center - GMAPS of the State (Region)Offline maps included in the APP: - Metro Map - Area Map - RailwayMap - Historical map Thank you for your support :) As always, ifyou have any problems or feedback, please email.
Cambodia mapas 0.1
Golden Mapas
Cambodia Map is the ultimate map detector.Its purpose/goal is to:Map your cityMap your countryMeteo map cloud and rainCambodia Map is theultimate map detector.Its purpose / goal is to:    Map your city    Map your country    Weather map cloud and rain
Novosibirsk map 3.9x
Golden Mapas
Novosibirsk is the capital city of the Novosibirsk region in theRussian Federation and the Siberian Federal District. It is animportant transport hub (railways and highways), from which theTrans-Siberian railway passes, and has two airports. The city iscrossed by the river Ob '. Novosibirsk was founded in 1893 byworkers who were building a railway bridge over the Ob River, whichcrosses it and divides it into two parts. Tsar Nicholas II named itNovonikolayevsk in 1903, giving it the status of a city. TodayNovosibirsk is a city that has diversified its economy in thefields of science, transport and tourism, beyond thepost-industrial context. Furthermore, it is a primary culturalcenter in the entire Russian Federation. Offline maps forNovosibirsk. Includes a complete set of offline maps forNovosibirsk, things to do and see, area map, historical map of theterritory from official sources. No internet connection required.You can zoom in, zoom out, scroll. Fast, easy and there when youneed it! This APP is excellent for both Novosibirsk visitors andlongtime residents. Online maps included in the APP: - GMAPS on thecenter - GMAPS of the State (Region) Offline maps included in theAPP: - Metro Map - Area Map - Railway Map - Historical map Thankyou for your support :) As always, if you have any problems orfeedback, please email.
Izhevsk map 3.9x
Golden Mapas
Izhevsk is the capital of Udmurtia, Russia. It is located along theIzh River, west of the Ural Mountains in Eastern Europe and isfamous for being the home of the Kalashnikov. The city is animportant center of industry, trade, politics, culture andeducation in the Volga region. It is famous for its defense,engineering and metallurgy industries. Izhevsk holds the titles ofArmory Capital of Russia and City of Labor Glory. Offline maps forIzhevsk. Includes a complete set of offline maps for Izhevsk,things to do and see, area map, historical map of the territoryfrom official sources. No internet connection required. You canzoom in, zoom out, scroll. Fast, easy and there when you need it!This APP is excellent for both Izhevsk visitors and longtimeresidents. Online maps included in the APP: - GMAPS on the center -GMAPS of the State (Region) Offline maps included in the APP: -Metro Map - Area Map - Railway Map - Historical map Thank you foryour support :) As always, if you have any problems or feedback,please email.
Tashkent mapas 0.1
Golden Mapas
Tashkent Map is the ultimate map detector.Its purpose/goal is to:Map your cityMap your countryMeteo map cloud and rain*_____________________________________This is an experiment. Soon I will add more features tothat!_____________________________________Developed by Golden Mapas. If you like this free service, youcan Follow me on Twitter.Tashkent Map is theultimate map detector.Its purpose / goal is to:Map your cityMap your countryWeather map cloud and rain *_____________________________________This is an experiment. Soon I will add features Opinions more tothat!_____________________________________Developed by Golden Mapas. If you like this free service, youcan follow me on Twitter.
Olympic Stadium map 2.6x
Golden Mapas
Rugby World Cup 2015 Olympic Stadium Map is the ultimate mapdetector. Its purpose/goal is to: Map city stadium Location of the13 stadia to host rugby matches at the 2015 Meteo map cloud andrain * -Coming soon- _____________________________________ This isan experiment. Soon I will add more features to that!
Pristina map 0.0.8
Golden Mapas
Pristina (Albanian: Prishtinë or Prishtina;Serbian: Приштина Priština) is the capital city of Kosovo.Pristina Map is the ultimate map detector.Its purpose/goal is to:Map your cityMap your countryMeteo map cloud and rain * -Coming soon-_____________________________________This is an experiment. Soon I will add more features tothat!_____________________________________Developed by Golden Mapas. If you like this free service, youcan Follow me on Twitter.Pristina (Albanian:Prishtinë or Prishtina; Serbian: Приштина Pristina) is the capitalcity of Kosovo.Pristina Map is the ultimate map detector.Its purpose / goals is to:Map your cityMap your countryWeather map cloud and rain * -Coming SOON-_____________________________________This is an experiment. Soon I will add features blackberries tothat!_____________________________________Developed by Golden Mapas. If you like this free service, youcan follow me on Twitter.
Yekaterinburg map 3.9x
Golden Mapas
Yekaterinburg is a city in Russia, the capital of SverdlovskOblast. It is the administrative center of the Sverdlovsk regionand the capital of the Ural Federal Region. The Sverdlovsk regionis one of the most developed regions in Russia. This region is richin mineral resources and raw materials. The main branches ofindustry are metallurgy and heavy mechanical industries. TheSverdlovsk region is politically stable and located far fromregions prone to ethnic conflicts. Following the exploitation ofthe huge mineral resources of the Urals, the city experienced arapid development; numerous industrial complexes (food, textile,chemical, iron and steel, engineering, pharmaceutical industries).Important cultural center. Between 1924 and 1991 the city was namedSverdlovsk, in honor of the Bolshevik leader Jakov Sverdlov. Almostthree hundred years ago this city was founded on the eastern slopesof the Ural mountains, on the banks of the River Iset. It was giventhe name of Ekaterinburg, to honor Saint Catherine with whose namethe wife of Emperor Peter the Great was also baptized. Offline mapsfor Yekaterinburg. Includes a complete set of offline maps forYekaterinburg, things to do and see, area map, historical map ofthe territory from official sources. No internet connectionrequired. You can zoom in, zoom out, scroll. Fast, easy and therewhen you need it! This APP is excellent for both Yekaterinburgvisitors and longtime residents. Online maps included in the APP: -GMAPS on the center - GMAPS of the State (Region) Offline mapsincluded in the APP: - Metro Map - Area Map - Railway Map -Historical map Thank you for your support :) As always, if you haveany problems or feedback, please email.
Rostov-na-donu map 0.0.1
Golden Mapas
Rostov-na-donu mapRostov-na-donu map is the ultimate map detector.Its purpose/goal is to:Map your cityMap your countryMeteo map cloud and rain * -Coming soon-_____________________________________This is an experiment. Soon I will add more features tothat!
Moscow map 3.1
Golden Mapas
Moscow map Moscow map is the ultimate map detector. Itspurpose/goal is to: Map your city Map your country Meteo map cloudand rain * -Coming soon- _____________________________________ Thisis an experiment. Soon I will add more features to that!
Burma mapas 0.1
Golden Mapas
Burma Map is the ultimate map detector.Its purpose/goal is to:Map your cityMap your countryMeteo map cloud and rain*_____________________________________This is an experiment. Soon I will add more featurestothat!_____________________________________Developed by Golden Mapas. If you like this free service, youcanFollow me on Twitter.Burma Map is theultimatemap detector.Its purpose / goal is to:Map your cityMap your countryWeather map cloud and rain *_____________________________________This is an experiment. Soon I will add features Opinions moretothat!_____________________________________Developed by Golden Mapas. If you like this free service, youcanfollow me on Twitter.
Voronezh map 3.9x
Golden Mapas
Voronezh is a city with over one million inhabitants, a city ofmilitary glory, located 463 km from Moscow. The city lies on theVoronezh River and is the birthplace of the Russian Navy. Itshistory begins in 1585. The city is located in the center of theEuropean part of Russia, in the mid-continental belt. Voronezh is astudent city. It runs 36 universities. One of the oldestinstitutions of higher education in Russia is the Voronezh StateMedical Academy named after N. N. Burdenko. Voronezh StateUniversity is considered to be one of the most prestigiousuniversities in Russia. Recently, Voronezh began to transform forthe better. There are new parks, squares, fountains, playgrounds.The problem of street lighting is gradually being solved. Offlinemaps for Voronezh. Includes a complete set of offline maps forVoronezh, things to do and see, area map, historical map of theterritory from official sources. No internet connection required.You can zoom in, zoom out, scroll. Fast, easy and there when youneed it! This APP is excellent for both Voronezh visitors andlongtime residents. Online maps included in the APP: - GMAPS on thecenter - GMAPS of the State (Region) Offline maps included in theAPP: - Metro Map - Area Map - Railway Map - Historical map Thankyou for your support :) As always, if you have any problems orfeedback, please email.
Map Sala C 2.6x
Golden Mapas
App test 'I map city' Questa prima app rappresenta un test delleapplicazioni da costruire
Tolyatti map 2.6x
Golden Mapas
Tolyatti map Tolyatti map is the ultimate map detector. Itspurpose/goal is to: Map your city Map your country Meteo map cloudand rain * -Coming soon- _____________________________________ Thisis an experiment. Soon I will add more features to that!
Shanghai map 3.1
Golden Mapas
Shanghai map Shanghai map is the ultimate map detector. Itspurpose/goal is to: Map your city Map your country Meteo map cloudand rain * -Coming soon- _____________________________________ Thisis an experiment. Soon I will add more features to that!
Omsk map 3.9x
Golden Mapas
Omsk is a city in Russia located in the southwestern part ofSiberia and the capital of the region of the same name. Omsk islocated at the confluence of the Irtyš and Om 'rivers, the secondof which gives the city its name. The famous Trans-Siberian railwaycrosses the city from west to east. The city has many culturalsites, institutes and factories. At the end of the 19th century,the writer Fyodor Dostoevsky was imprisoned for four years in theOmsk prison: in the city there are therefore many places linked tohis name or dedicated to him. The height of almost all houses inOmsk does not exceed 50 meters (12-15 floors), which makes it oneof the lowest megacities in Russia. In Omsk there is the "BirdPort" nature park ("Ptič'ja gavan '") where, during the autumnmigrations, about 3000 birds stop. This place must become thevisiting card of the city. Today Novosibirsk is a city that hasdiversified its economy in the fields of science, transport andtourism, beyond the post-industrial context. Furthermore, it is aprimary cultural center in the entire Russian Federation. Offlinemaps for Omsk. Includes a complete set of offline maps for Omsk,things to do and see, area map, historical map of the territoryfrom official sources. No internet connection required. You canzoom in, zoom out, scroll. Fast, easy and there when you need it!This APP is excellent for both Omsk visitors and longtimeresidents. Online maps included in the APP: - GMAPS on the center -GMAPS of the State (Region) Offline maps included in the APP: -Metro Map - Area Map - Railway Map - Historical map Thank you foryour support :) As always, if you have any problems or feedback,please email.
Nizhnynovgorod map 3.9x
Golden Mapas
Nizhny Novgorod is a city in central European Russia, the capitalof the homonymous oblast 'and the Volga federal district. The citywas allegedly founded on February 4, 1221 by Prince Yuri II ofVladimir. In Russia they say that St. Petersburg is the "head" ofRussia, Moscow is its "heart" while Nizhny Novgorod is the "pocket"of the country. Here was once the largest fair in the RussianEmpire, which led to a rapid economic development of the city.Currently, Nizhny Novgorod is the fifth largest city in the countryand features over 600 architectural monuments. Over the centuries,the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin (citadel) has never been conquered.According to a legend, when ten Tatar warriors approached thefortress a woman killed them with a "bucket barbell" and saved thecity from attack. The unfortunate girl died in the fight and wasburied under the walls of a tower which was called "Torre delbalanciere". Offline maps for Nizhny Novgorod. Includes a completeset of offline maps for Nizhny Novgorod, things to do and see, areamap, historical map of the territory from official sources. Nointernet connection required. You can zoom in, zoom out, scroll.Fast, easy and there when you need it! This APP is excellent forboth Nizhny Novgorod visitors and longtime residents. Online mapsincluded in the APP: - GMAPS on the center - GMAPS of the State(Region) Offline maps included in the APP: - Metro Map - Area Map -Railway Map - Historical map Thank you for your support :) Asalways, if you have any problems or feedback, please email.
Manila map 3.9x
Golden Mapas
Manila, the capital of the Philippines, is a densely populated citylocated on a bay on the island of Luzon. It features a mix ofSpanish colonial architecture and modern skyscrapers. In the heartof the historic center stands Intramuros, a colonial-era citysurrounded by walls that houses the Baroque church of San Agustin,dating back to the 16th century, and Fort Santiago, a historiccitadel and former military prison. Offline maps for Manila.Includes a complete set of offline maps for Manila, things to doand see, area map, historical map of the territory from officialsources. No internet connection required. You can zoom in, zoomout, scroll. Fast, easy and there when you need it! This APP isexcellent for both Manila visitors and longtime residents. Onlinemaps included in the APP: - GMAPS on the center - GMAPS of theState (Region) Offline maps included in the APP: - Metro Map - AreaMap - Railway Map - Historical map Thank you for your support :) Asalways, if you have any problems or feedback, please email.
Atlanta Map 4.0x
Golden Mapas
Atlanta Map is the simple map detector.
Denver Map 4.1x
Golden Mapas
Denver Map is the simple map detector.
Las Vegas Map 4.1x
Golden Mapas
Las Vegas Map is the simple map detector.
Samara map 3.9x
Golden Mapas
Samara, which from January 27, 1935 to January 25, 1990 was calledKujbyšev, in honor of the Soviet revolutionary ValerianVladimirovič Kujbyšev, is the sixth largest city in Russia. It islocated in the central eastern part of European Russia, known asthe Volga Federal District, at the confluence of the Volga Riverand the Samara River. It is also the capital of the homonymousoblast '. The city is located on the left bank of the Volga River,which serves as its border for the western part. The northernborder is bordered by the Sokol'i hills and the steppe in the eastand south. The life of the inhabitants of Samara has always beencharacterized by the presence of the Volga River, which has notonly offered an intense commercial activity towards other cities inRussia, but has also played a fundamental role in tourism, thanksto the excellent glance offered by the place. The Samara River, infact, is a favorite destination for both city dwellers andtourists. During one of his various visits to the city of Samara,the Soviet novelist Vasily Aksënov stated: "I really don't knowwhere to find such long and beautiful shores in the West. Probablyonly near Lake Geneva." Offline maps for Samara. Includes acomplete set of offline maps for Samara, things to do and see, areamap, historical map of the territory from official sources. Nointernet connection required. You can zoom in, zoom out, scroll.Fast, easy and there when you need it! This APP is excellent forboth Samara visitors and longtime residents. Online maps includedin the APP: - GMAPS on the center - GMAPS of the State (Region)Offline maps included in the APP: - Metro Map - Area Map - RailwayMap - Historical map Thank you for your support :) As always, ifyou have any problems or feedback, please email.
Lahore map 3.9x
Golden Mapas
Lahore is a city in Pakistan located on the Ravi River, a tributaryof the Indus. Lahore is the second largest city in Pakistan afterKarachi and is among the top 30 metropolises in the world. It isthe capital of the Pakistani Punjab region and is a greatuniversity and cultural center; it houses some of the largestmosques in Asia. It is home to the Pakistani film industry. Offlinemaps for Lahore. Includes a complete set of offline maps forLahore, things to do and see, area map, historical map of theterritory from official sources. No internet connection required.You can zoom in, zoom out, scroll. Fast, easy and there when youneed it! This APP is excellent for both Lahore visitors andlongtime residents. Online maps included in the APP: - GMAPS on thecenter - GMAPS of the Region Offline maps included in the APP: -Metro Map - Area Map - Railway Map - Historical map Thank you foryour support :) As always, if you have any problems or feedback,please email.
Manchester City Stadium map 2.4
Golden Mapas
Rugby World Cup 2015 Manchester City Stadium Map is the ultimatemap detector. Its purpose/goal is to: Map city stadium Location ofthe 13 stadia to host rugby matches at the 2015 Meteo map cloud andrain * -Coming soon- _____________________________________ This isan experiment. Soon I will add more features to that!
Marrakech map 3.1
Golden Mapas
Marrakech (مراكش), also known as Marrakesh, is one of the imperialcities of Morocco. A blend of the ancient and modern in MoroccoMarrakech Map is the ultimate map detector. Its purpose/goal is to:Map your city Map your country Meteo map cloud and rain * -Comingsoon- _____________________________________ This is an experiment.Soon I will add more features to that!_____________________________________ Developed by Golden Mapas. Ifyou like this free service, you can Follow me on Twitter.
Boston Map 3.9x
Golden Mapas
Boston Map is the simple map detector.
Luanda map 3.1
Golden Mapas
Luanda — the capital of Angola, which has been through a hugerenaissance in the past decade. Luanda Map is the ultimate mapdetector. Its purpose/goal is to: Map your city Map your countryMeteo map cloud and rain * -Coming soon-_____________________________________ This is an experiment. Soon Iwill add more features to that!_____________________________________ Developed by Golden Mapas. Ifyou like this free service, you can Follow me on Twitter.
Krasnoyarsk map 3.9x
Golden Mapas
Krasnoyarsk is a city in central Siberian Russia, the capital ofthe homonymous Krai. It stands on the banks of the Yenisei River,in the middle of its course. It is the third largest Siberian city,an important industrial center and a railway communication hub (itis an important station of the Trans-Siberian Railway) and air (ithas an international airport). Apparently, the city looks like abanal industrial city populated by over 1 million inhabitants, withgray and Soviet-style buildings. However, the true beauty ofKrasnoyarsk is invisible to the eye: what is incredible is thekindness of the people and their ability to treat even the mostclumsy tourists in a friendly way. The cohesion of people despitethe city being a real microcosm of religions and cultures is thereal beating heart of this corner of Siberia. Offline maps forKrasnoyarsk. Includes a complete set of offline maps forKrasnoyarsk, things to do and see, area map, historical map of theterritory from official sources. No internet connection required.You can zoom in, zoom out, scroll. Fast, easy and there when youneed it! This APP is excellent for both Krasnoyarsk visitors andlongtime residents. Online maps included in the APP: - GMAPS on thecenter - GMAPS of the State (Region) Offline maps included in theAPP: - Metro Map - Area Map - Railway Map - Historical map Thankyou for your support :) As always, if you have any problems orfeedback, please email.
Tokyo map 3.1
Golden Mapas
Tokyo map Tokyo map is the ultimate map detector. Its purpose/goalis to: Map your city Map your country Meteo map cloud and rain *-Coming soon- _____________________________________ This is anexperiment. Soon I will add more features to that!
Nairobi map 3.1
Golden Mapas
Nairobi is the capital of Kenya and the largest city in thecountry. Nairobi Map is the ultimate map detector. Its purpose/goalis to: Map your city Map your country Meteo map cloud and rain *-Coming soon- _____________________________________ This is anexperiment. Soon I will add more features to that!_____________________________________ Developed by Golden Mapas. Ifyou like this free service, you can Follow me on Twitter.
Bucharest map 3.1
Golden Mapas
Bucharest map Bucharest map is the ultimate map detector. Itspurpose/goal is to: Map your city Map your country Meteo map cloudand rain * -Coming soon- _____________________________________ Thisis an experiment. Soon I will add more features to that!
Sacramento Map 4.1x
Golden Mapas
Sacramento Map is the simple map detector.
Minneapolis Map 4.1x
Golden Mapas
Minneapolis Map is the simple map detector.
Portland Map 4.1x
Golden Mapas
Portland Map is the simple map detector.
Charlotte Map 4.1x
Golden Mapas
Charlotte Map is the simple map detector.
Chicago Map 4.1x
Golden Mapas
Chicago Map is the simple map detector.
Long Beach Map 3.9x
Golden Mapas
Long Beach Map is the simple map detector.
Omaha Map 3.9x
Golden Mapas
Omaha Map is the simple map detector.
Cape Town map 3.9x
Golden Mapas
Cape Town is the second largest city in South Africa and isthecapital of the Western Cape Province, as well as beingthelegislative capital of South Africa (the Houses of Parliamentarehere). It is located in the south-west corner of the countrynearthe Cape of Good Hope, and is the most southern city in Africa.Itis a stone's throw from South Africa's world-famous CapeWinelandsaround Stellenbosch, Paarl and Franschhoek. Cape Town isalso knownas the Mother City in South Africa. Cape Town Map is theultimatemap detector. Its purpose/goal is to: Map your city Mapyourcountry Meteo map cloud and rain * -Comingsoon-_____________________________________ This is an experiment.Soon Iwill add more features tothat!_____________________________________ Developed by GoldenMapas. Ifyou like this free service, you can Follow me on Twitter.
Tunis map 3.9x
Golden Mapas
Tunis is the capital of Tunisia and the capital of the homonymousgovernorate. It stands on the banks of a lagoon near ancientCarthage, joined to the Mediterranean Sea by a navigable channel ofabout 10 km that connects it to the La Goletta port. Born as amodest village located in the shadow of Carthage, Kairouan andMahdia, Tunis was finally designated as the capital on September20, 1159 (5 ramadan 554, for the Muslim calendar) by the will ofthe Almohad dynasty, subsequently confirmed in its statute underthe hafside dynasty in 1228 and also to the independence of thecountry, on March 20, 1956. Tunis is the economic and commercialcapital of Tunisia. The density of the city's road, motorway andairport structure make it a convergence point for nationaltransport. This situation is the result of a long evolution, inparticular of the centralistic conception which has given aconsiderable role to the capital and which has led to theconcentration of the main institutions. Offline maps for Tunis.Includes a complete set of offline maps for Tunis, things to do andsee, area map, historical map of the territory from officialsources. No internet connection required. You can zoom in, zoomout, scroll. Fast, easy and there when you need it! This APP isexcellent for both Tunis visitors and longtime residents. Onlinemaps included in the APP: - GMAPS on the center - GMAPS of theState (Region) Offline maps included in the APP: - Metro Map - AreaMap - Railway Map - Historical map Thank you for your support :) Asalways, if you have any problems or feedback, please email.
Kabul map 3.9x
Golden Mapas
Kabul has been the capital of Afghanistan since about 1776.Kabulmap Kabul map is the ultimate map detector. Its purpose/goalis to:Map your city Map your country Meteo map cloud and rain *-Comingsoon- _____________________________________ This is anexperiment.Soon I will add more features to that!
Afghanistan map 3.9x
Golden Mapas
Offline maps for Afghanistan. Includes a complete set ofofflinemaps for Afghanistan, things to do and see, area map,historicalmap of the territory from official sources. No internetconnectionrequired. You can zoom in, zoom out, scroll. Fast, easyand therewhen you need it! This APP is excellent for bothAfghanistanvisitors and longtime residents. Online maps included inthe APP: -GMAPS on the center - GMAPS of the Region Offline mapsincluded inthe APP: - Metro Map - Area Map - Railway Map -Historical mapThank you for your support :) As always, if you haveany problemsor feedback, please email.
Tashkent map 3.9x
Golden Mapas
Tashkent the capital of Uzbekistan. It rises in an oasis irrigatedby the Circik and Keles rivers.. Offline maps for Tashkent.Includes a complete set of offline maps for Tashkent, things to doand see, area map, historical map of the territory from officialsources. No internet connection required. You can zoom in, zoomout, scroll. Fast, easy and there when you need it! This APP isexcellent for both Tashkent visitors and longtime residents. Onlinemaps included in the APP: - GMAPS on the center - GMAPS of theRegion Offline maps included in the APP: - Metro Map - Area Map -Railway Map - Historical map Thank you for your support :) Asalways, if you have any problems or feedback, please email.
Addis Ababa map 3.9x
Golden Mapas
Addis Ababa (colloquially simply known as Addis) is the capitalcity of Ethiopia. Offline maps for Addis Ababa. Includes a completeset of offline maps for Addis Ababa, things to do and see, areamap, historical map of the territory from official sources. Nointernet connection required. You can zoom in, zoom out, scroll.Fast, easy and there when you need it! This APP is excellent forboth Addis Ababa visitors and longtime residents. Online mapsincluded in the APP: - GMAPS on the center - GMAPS of the RegionOffline maps included in the APP: - Metro Map - Area Map - RailwayMap - Historical map Thank you for your support :) As always, ifyou have any problems or feedback, please email.
Baku map 3.9x
Golden Mapas
Baku, also known as Baky or Bakı, is the largest city in theCaucasus and the capital of Azerbaijan. Baku is on the coast of theCaspian Sea on the southern tip of the Absheron Peninsula. Thereare three major divisions in Baku: İçəri Şəhər (the ancient city),the Soviet built city, and the newest part of the city. Thepopulation as of January 2012 was 2 137,200. Offline maps for Baku.Includes a complete set of offline maps for Baku, things to do andsee, area map, historical map of the territory from officialsources. No internet connection required. You can zoom in, zoomout, scroll. Fast, easy and there when you need it! This APP isexcellent for both Baku visitors and longtime residents. Onlinemaps included in the APP: - GMAPS on the center - GMAPS of theRegion Offline maps included in the APP: - Metro Map - Area Map -Railway Map - Historical map Thank you for your support :) Asalways, if you have any problems or feedback, please email.
Algiers map 3.9x
Golden Mapas
Mappe offline per Algeri. Include un set completo di mappe offlineper Algeri, cose da fare e da vedere, mappa della zona, mappastorica del territorio da fonti ufficiali. Nessuna connessioneInternet richiesta. Puoi ingrandire, rimpicciolire, scorrere.Veloce, facile e lì quando ne hai bisogno! Questa APP è eccellentesia per i visitatori di Algeri che per i residenti di lunga data.Mappe online incluse nell'APP: - GMAPS al centro - GMAPS dellaRegione Mappe offline incluse nell'APP: - Mappa della metropolitana- Mappa della zona - Mappa ferroviaria - Mappa storica Grazie peril vostro sostegno :) Come sempre, in caso di problemi o feedback,inviare un'e-mail.